Thursday 18 June 2015


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With the right choice of foods, you can speed up your weight loss efforts dramatically. Increase your calorie burn and curb your cravings with these super foods.

Broccoli: broccoli (cooked or raw) is well known its cancer preventing properties and is high in vitamin C which helps to absorb the calcium we eat. Studies shows that calcium aids in weight loss. Not only that, broccoli is also rich in phytochemicals that significantly improve on our immune system and helps to protect us against disease all while being very low in calories.
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Apples: apples are very low in calories and fat, low in sodium and contains vitamins and minerals as well as fibre. A Penn state University conducted a study, which revealed that people who ate apple before a meal, ate fewer calories than those who ate a different kind of snack. The reason for this is in apple’s very high fibre status which fills you up. Each apple has about 5 gram of fibre. The fibre helps to feel you full longer because it expands in your stomach so it takes less food to satisfy your hunger.
Black beans: black beans contain a lot of protein (about 15 grams per cup) and don’t contain saturated fat, which is present in red meat, for example. Beans are extremely good fat fighters because they contain optimal combination of fat melting nutrient (protein, soluble and insoluble fibre and a type of fat-burning carb called resistant starch).
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Coffee: coffee raises your resting metabolism rate by about 15%. This can last up to 4 hours and it can burn between 35 to 55 extra calories per day. That’s about 245 to n385 additional calories burned per week. The chlorogenic acids (certain types of oxidants) are the main compound which slows down the production of new fat cells after a meal.
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Low-fat dairy: low-fat dairy is rich in nutrients. It has the essential calcium for fat burning and weight loss and it help to keep the digestive tract in good health. Research shows that those who have deficiencies in calcium hold a greater fat mass and experience less control of their appetite. Diary sources of calcium like yoghurt, low or non-fat cheese and milk are markedly more effective in accelerating fat loss than other studies. In one study carried out in University of Tennessee, researchers showed that eating three servings of diary daily significantly reduced the body fat in obsese subjects.
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Eggs: according to a research done by Rochester Centre for Obesity in America consuming eggs for breakfast could help you limit the calorie intake by more than 400 calories throughout the day. One egg contains about 85 calories, but it makes you feel fuller for longer, so your next meal will likely be smaller. Eggs are also full of good nutrients like protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins A, D, E and B12.
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Grapefruit: this fruit alone without changing anything in your diet, can help you lose up to a pound a week. You should try rating half a grape fruit before each meal. It will help you lower the insulin, which is a fat-storage that will lead to weight loss.
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Cinnamon: like grapefruit, cinnamon also helps to control your blood sugar and prevent a post meal insulin spike, which triggers your body to store fat rather than burn it. Use half teaspoon each day to flavour four food, which will bring out natural sweetness rather than adding “empty-calorie filled sugar.
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Wine: Grape skin contains resveratrol which is a well-known antioxidant that stop fat storage. A glass of wine can also increase your metabolic rate for up to 90 minutes. A new Spanish study suggests that drinking about 9 ounces of Meriot or low-alcohol red wine changed the mix of good and bad bacteria found in the colon in ways that can benefit your health. A balanced combination of these bacteria helps to digest food better and more efficiently.
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Green tea: Green tea is a great metabolism booster and is rich in antioxidants  which are good fighting cancer and heart disease. A study showed that people who drank at least 2 cups of green tea per day, for 3 months, lost more body fat than those who drank regular tea. They also experienced a considerably greater decrease in Body Mass Index, waist size and total body fat.
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