Sunday 31 May 2015

What is the best form of salt to consume? SEA SALT or TABLE SALT

sea salt,table salt ,benefits of salt
Do YOU use sea salt? Sea salt comes from NATURAL evaporated seawater under the sun 5% natural potassium, calcium, and other minerals (readily used by the body as they are NATURALLY occurring)
What type of salt is YOUR favorite???

Sea salt is rapidly becoming more popular, as more and more people are learning about all the health benefits that the salt has to offer. The salt is obtained naturally from the sea, and does not go through any processing that alters the natural make-up of the salt.
Thus it contains many essential trace minerals that your body needs in order to be healthy. This natural salt is healthier than the iodized salt available in the market. Read about the ten great benefits to adding sea salt to your diet:
Health Benefits of Sea Salt
Sea salt consists of a similar assortment of minerals and natural healing elements as those found on skin cells. This makes it a perfectly natural ingredient to be used for therapeutic treatments and beauty products.
Skin Care: The mineral content in Dead Sea salt have long been appreciated for their rejuvenating effects on the skin. Bathing in a Dead Sea salt solution helps in keeping the skin moisturized and revitalized. Dead Sea salt baths also help in improving the skin barrier function and eliminates the roughness and inflammation on the skin’s surface. Studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect is attributed to the presence of a high magnesium content in the Dead Sea salts. It also helps in the detoxification of the body by flushing out toxins from the pores, while also aiding in improving blood circulation.
Dental HealthSea salt contains fluoride, which is beneficial for promoting dental health. Fluoride aids in protecting the teeth from acidic damage and prevents the development of caries and cavities. Regular rinsing and gargling with tepid sea salt water helps to alleviate mouth sores, bleeding gums, ulcers, and the pain of sore throats.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Dead Sea salts have been proven to be effective in providing therapeutic relief to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have made it clear that baths containing Dead Sea salts possess anti-inflammatory qualities and have demonstrated significant improvements in such ailments as compared to normal sodium chloride baths.
ExfoliationSea salt finds another use in the cosmetic industry in the manufacturing of scrubs and other skin care products like antiperspirants and deodorants. Exfoliation with sea salts helps to remove dead skin particles, tones up the skin tissues, encourages peripheral blood circulation, and helps in skin renewal. Unlike table salt, the granular texture of sea salt works very well in providing clean and smooth skin. Sea salt scrub therapy is also advised for patients suffering from low blood pressure, epilepsy, poor blood circulation, and general body fatigue by promoting healthy blood circulation.
PsoriasisSea salt is considered to be a natural remedy for the treatment of psoriasis, along with the appropriate medication. Treatment with sea salt has shown noteworthy improvements in those patients suffering from various skin conditions like itching and scaling. The efficacy of balneotherapy, which is done using a sea salt treatment with mud packs and sulfur baths on those suffering from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis has also demonstrated promising results with respect to a reduction in spinal pain and increased flexibility of the spine.
Osteoarthritis: Research studies have demonstrated improvements in those patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis after treatment using balneotherapy with Dead Sea salt. In addition to this, some patients were able to sustain their improved health parameters even after few weeks, unlike those patients who took the bath treatment with normal sodium chloride.
Rhinosinusitis: Research studies have proven that Dead Sea salt solution is also effective in treating rhinosinusitis. The study also concluded that nasal irrigation and sprays done with sea salt showed better symptomatic relief as compared to those made of a hypertonic saline solution. The anti-inflammatory effects of Dead Sea salts make it a natural and healthy alternative to be considered for treating nasal allergies and other respiratory disorders as compared to nasal steroids, which might have certain side effects like inflammation that can lead to mucus secretion. The mineral content present in Dead Sea salts helps to alleviate swelling and congestion as well.
Electrolyte Balance: Sea salt helps in maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance in the body, which is necessary for maintaining optimum blood composition and circulation, muscular strength, and overall functioning of the body. Minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium contribute to the electrolytic equilibrium of the body.
Acne: Sea salts contain sulphur which helps in cleansing and the treating of skin conditions like dermatitis and acne scars.
Aching Feet: Soaking your tired feet in a warm sea salt solution helps to relax the muscles, and relieve the soreness and pain in your aching feet.
Blood Sugar: Sea salts also help in maintaining balanced levels of blood sugar. It is effective in reducing the body’s dependency on insulin medication for the regulation of sugar levels.
Encourages Restful Sleep: Sea salt baths have a calming and soporific effect, thus helping in inducing profound, rejuvenating sleep. It also helps in preventing excess salivation that flows out of the mouth during sleep, keeping your body hydrated.
Normal Heartbeat: Sea salt aids in maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure and helps to normalize irregular heartbeats. It has also shown beneficial effects in preventing the occurrence of various cardiac disorders.
Prevents Hair Loss: One of the lesser known benefits of sea salt is the stimulation of healthy hair growth. Massaging the scalp with the sea salt aids in improved circulation of blood and strengthens the hair follicles.
Muscle Cramps: Sea salt is beneficial in relieving muscle cramps and helps in enhancing muscular strength. Essential minerals like magnesium and potassium have therapeutic and rejuvenating qualities, thus making sea salts a natural remedy to cure aches and pains. The osmosis effect created by the solute content in the sea salt bath prevents the build-up of toxins in the body. This helps in easing any stiffness and discomfort caused by muscle fatigue and tension.
Eye Wash: A sea salt solution helps in relieving puffiness around your tired eyes. A sea salt compress aids in reducing the dark circles and sagging bags under the eyes, while inducing a calming, stress-relieving effect.
Reduces Acidity: Sea salts helps in alkalizing the cells of the body by facilitating excretion of excess acids through urination. This helps in maintaining the optimal acid-alkali ratio of the body. In case the pH value of the blood moves towards the acidic side, it can disturb the natural, healthy balance of the body and may result in chronic medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
Healing and Purifying Qualities: The electromagnetic force field that surrounds our body tends to attract negative energies and impurities from the environment. These energies may influence the health and well-being of some people. Baths enriched with sea salts have been believed to have purifying qualities. They absorb such energies within themselves and relieve the body of these materials.
Culinary Use: Sea salt is also valued for its distinct flavor and is added to various recipes, particularly in French and Thai cuisine.
Sea salts are naturally anti-allergenic and are considered beneficial in providing relief from asthma and other allergies. Sea salt baths also alleviate the risk of infections and contribute towards overall immunity of the body. Sea salts is also effective in treating conditions like hives, skin rashes, dandruff, and hair loss.
Sea salt is a major source of sodium and should be consumed in appropriate quantities. Irrespective of the type of salt, excessive intake of one type of salt may lead to ailments like edema or high blood pressure, which can pose a risk for other medical conditions.
Strong Immune System – Sea salt naturally helps you to build up a strong immune system so that you can fight off the cold virus, the fever and flu, allergies and other autoimmune disorders.
Alkalizing – Sea salt is alkalizing to the body, as it has not been exposed to high heat and stripped of its minerals, nor does it have any harmful man-made ingredients added to it. Thus it can help you to prevent and reverse high levels of acids in the body, which in turn eliminates the risks for serious and life-threatening diseases.
Weight Loss – Believe it or not, but sea salt can also help you in weight loss. It helps the body to create digestive juices so that the foods you eat are digested faster, and it helps to prevent buildup in the digestive tract, which eventually can lead to constipation and weight gain.
Skin Conditions – A sea salt bath can help to relieve dry and itchy skin as well as serious conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The bath naturally opens up the pores, improves circulation in the skin and hydrates the tissues so that your skin can heal.
Asthma – Sea salt is effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. Thus the production of phlegm is slowed down so that you can breathe easier again. Some say that sprinkling sea salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is just as effective as using an inhaler. But the great thing about sea salt is that it has no side effects when taken in moderation.
Heart Health – When salt is taken with water it can help to reduce high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and help to regulate an irregular heart beat. Thus sea salt can help to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
Diabetes – Sea salt can help to reduce the need for insulin by helping to maintain proper sugar levels in the body. Thus the salt is an essential part of the diet if you are diabetic, or at risk for the disease.
Osteoporosis – Just over 1/4 of the amount of salt that is in the body is stored in the bones, where it helps to keep them strong. When the body lacks salt and water it begins to draw the sodium from the bones, which then eventually can lead to osteoporosis. Thus by drinking plenty of water and consuming salt in moderation you can prevent osteoporosis.
Muscle Spasms – Potassium is essential for helping the muscles to function properly. Sea salt not only contains small amounts of potassium, but it also helps the body to absorb it better from other foods. Thus it is effective in helping to prevent muscle pains, spasms and cramps.
Depression – Sea salt also has shown to be effective in treating various types of depression. The salt helps to preserve two essential hormones in the body that help you to better deal with stress. These hormones are serotonin and melatonin, which help you to feel good, and relax and sleep better at night.
 The Center for Science in the Public Interest is a nutritional lobbying group and they claim that sodium chloride, common table salt, can be very dangerous to eat. They are so concerned, they are working to get the status of salt changed so that it can go from its current unregulated status to a status which the FDA has authority to regulate.
Salt has the preservative characteristic of being a natural antibiotic. On a food item, it kills living bacteria and therefore impedes the decay process of that food. Salt causes excessive thirst because it pulls water from the bloodstream. These present the two most damaging effects on the digestive system.
Because salt is a natural antibiotic, it kills good bacteria in the body. As a substance that draws water, it interferes with the normal absorption of water which possibly leads to constipation and the accumulations of toxins in the intestinal tract. Most table salts are depleted of minerals the body needs and have additives that are harmful when ingested.
Salt is pervasive in American food products and people have begun to pay attention. Low-sodium diets have become so popular, many companies have paid attention and started offering reduced-salt option

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