Sunday 31 May 2015

The health benefits of paw paw (CARICA PAPAYA)

Increases energy ,aids in weight loss,anti inflammatory ,boosts immune system ,helps alleviate arthritis,supports digestive health ,prevents cataract formation. it is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, beta-carotene and calcuim. The calcuim content of papayas helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth. it increases the formation of red blood cells. Papayas is a fruit that is not to be neglected because of the numerous health benefits it offers.

The aqueous extract of unripe Carica papaya has been reported to posses antisickling properties and it is being used as an antisickling agent by some sickle cell patients in Western Nigeria.

The extract of unripe Carica papaya possess no adverse effect on the functions of liver, kidney and bone marrowof little children.

Papaya (PawPaw) is a sweet and succulent fruit found in tropical climates around the world. Its health benefits are many; it is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene and other vital nutrients. Many cultures successfully use the leaf, seeds, skin and pulp of this miraculous fruit for various diseases, infections and skin conditions. Today, researchers and scientists throughout the medical community are stepping up the investigation into the health benefits of papaya leaf (pawpaw twig) and the role it plays in fighting cancer, wound care, its anti-inflammatory benefits and how it helps to strengthen the immune system. Groundbreaking studies are showing that the enzymes and other compounds found in the leaves, skin, pulp and seeds of the have a variety of medicinal uses.

The Parts of Papaya That Are Effective

One of the reasons that papaya or paw paw is so unique is that all parts of this fruit, including the leaves, flesh, skin and seeds have nutritional and health benefits. In the tropical areas of the world where papaya is readily available, the consumption and use of papaya for enjoyment and medicinal cures are part of everyday life.

Papaya Leaf Tea: Papaya Leaf Tea reduces inflammation, activates immune system response, and inhibits tumor cell growth through the strengthening of the immune system and increasing the natural anti-tumor effects that occur in immune response. The tea is ideal for individuals that enjoy drinking herbal teas and many find that it has a similar taste to green tea; but it is packed with more nutritional and health benefits.

Papaya Leaf Extract: Papaya leaves are successfully used for Dengue Fever, digestive upset and for treatments of serious illnesses including cancer. Scientific research indicates that papaya leaf extract regulates T-cells and increase the immune system response to cancer. Papaya leaves are not readily available in stores in the United States; a concentrated extract of the leaf is available in both capsules and liquid formulas from the company Herbal Papaya.

Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds are proven effective for eliminating human intestinal parasites without significant side effects. Papaya seed extract capsules have antihelminthic and anti-amoebic properties that kill parasites and intestinal worms throughout the digestive system.

Fermented Papaya: A current clinical trial at Ohio State University is evaluating the benefits of using fermented papaya in diabetic wound healing. Known for its antioxidant properties and protection from oxidative damage; the study centers on determining the angiogenic response of wound sites.

Papaya Flesh: The nutritional benefits gained from the regular consumption of papaya are extraordinary. This nutrient rich fruit aids in digestion, helps to strengthen immune systems, and lessens inflammation in joints and throughout the body. Papain, which is concentrated in papaya, breaks down proteins and aids in digestion. Organic papaya fruit and leaf juice is ideal for individuals that do not have regular access to fresh organic papayas in their area.

Papaya Skin: The skin of the papaya has been used for generations to assist in burns and wound healing by placing it directly on infections and other skin maladies. Additionally, when making smoothies with the papaya flesh, the fruit does not need to be skinned.

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