Sunday, 31 May 2015

What is the best form of salt to consume? SEA SALT or TABLE SALT

sea salt,table salt ,benefits of salt
Do YOU use sea salt? Sea salt comes from NATURAL evaporated seawater under the sun 5% natural potassium, calcium, and other minerals (readily used by the body as they are NATURALLY occurring)
What type of salt is YOUR favorite???

The health benefits of paw paw (CARICA PAPAYA)

Increases energy ,aids in weight loss,anti inflammatory ,boosts immune system ,helps alleviate arthritis,supports digestive health ,prevents cataract formation. it is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, beta-carotene and calcuim. The calcuim content of papayas helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth. it increases the formation of red blood cells. Papayas is a fruit that is not to be neglected because of the numerous health benefits it offers.

The aqueous extract of unripe Carica papaya has been reported to posses antisickling properties and it is being used as an antisickling agent by some sickle cell patients in Western Nigeria.

The extract of unripe Carica papaya possess no adverse effect on the functions of liver, kidney and bone marrowof little children.

Friday, 29 May 2015

The difference between eating crap and food. TAKE TIME TO EAT FOOD NOT CRAP

Eat Good Food , Avoid Crap , Good Morning ,Health Tips, Refined Sugar, Fruits, Processed Food, Artificial Sweetener

most of the activities of  individuals give them less time to eat, instead they depend on fast foods and quickly cooked or processed food to satisify their hunger... this is detrimental to our health....

The healthy benefits of sunshine to your body

 Image result for SUNSHINE FOR HEALTH
It is often the case that we are recommended to use sunscreen if we are going out somewhere and that we will be exposed to sunshine quite intensely. However, as it turns out, even sunshine actually has a lot of benefits for the skin. This is particularly true for morning sunshine which consists of vitamin D. So, what are the benefits that sunshine can offer for your skin? Well, here they are….