Sunday 2 August 2015

Amazing Benefits of Skin Icing

Skin icing has become popular modern beauty ritual for better looking skin. This therapy has been used by many beauty experts in spas and skin care treatments for several years and for its wide range of benefits.

Skin icing is able to:
  • Refresh the skin of the face
  • Fight the formation of wrinkles
  • Combat acne and blemishes
  • Increase the blood flow which results with healthy and glowing skin
  • Here are the benefits from this morning and evening ritual: 
    1. Smoother skin
    Excess sebum and debris enlarge the skin pores. Skin icing can tighten and shrink the enlarged pores by unclogging the pores that look larger because of the excess sebum. This procedure also smoothes the skin and makes it look fresh and healthy.
    1. Pore Primer
    Try icing your face before make up. It will minimize your pores and the foundation will look smooth and flawless.
    1. Improves Circulation
    Skin icing increases the blood circulation by constricting the blood vessels and less blood goes to the skin surface. This is a great solution for inflammation and swelling.
    1. Great for Puffy Eyes
    Skin icing reduces the bugs under your eyes by reducing swellings.
    1. Wrinkle Buster
    Icing can reduce the signs of wrinkles and can slow the creation of new wrinkles.
    1. Control Blemishes
    Skin icing can soothe irritation; reduce swelling and redness, so it is a great remedy for pimples.

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