Wednesday, 8 July 2015


Image result for pregnancy
Now that you’re expecting, it’s more important than ever to eat right. So what tops our list of eat-smart tips for expectant mamas? Read on to find out what to eat while pregnant.

Our daily activities that cause liver damage

There are certain activities we do that can damage our liver, but we don't care about its effect on our human system. You will be surprised to know that the main causes of liver damage is what we do everyday. Weighing in at around 3 pounds, the liver is the body’s second largest organ; only the skin is larger and heavier. The liver performs many essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, and the storage of nutrients within the body. In order to maintain a healthy liver, it is important to know what daily activities should we avoid. Here are the main causes of liver damage:

How to remove the toughest and stubborn Wart in 12 days

home remedy for wart
You can remove warts from your hands, face, chest or neck with applying herbal preparations already for a couple of weeks of the treatments. They are pink growth that appear on the semi mucosa and skin. The cause is human papillomavirus, i.e. some of the 60 sub-types of this microorganism. -

Saturday, 4 July 2015

how to get sexy abs, firm thighs and butt with boring sit-ups

Get sexy abs without boring sit-ups with this ab workout. And get firmer arms, butt, and thighs while you're at it too! 

Thursday, 2 July 2015

functions of onions to our health

Eat Red Onion: It Kills Cancer Cells, Stops Nose Bleeding, Protects The Heart And Much More
Some love it, some hate it because of the smell that stays behind. However, it is advisable to eat a lot of onions, as they are very good for your health.
Cooking the onions kill their medicinal properties. That is why red onions should be eaten raw and untreated. There are a lot of combinations, and if you’re brave enough, you can eat it as a side dish almost every lunch. Today, i will give you 7 reasons to add red onions to your diet.

Proper ways and time to eat fruits

When to eat fruits
There’s no doubt that eating fruit is important to our overall health and well being. Fruit is healthy for you, we all know that, but, it’s good to know that eating it should follow some general guidelines to fully benefit our health. It’s just not as simple as putting it into our mouths whenever we feel like it. Learn about the proper ways to eat fruit and your whole body will thank you with less digestive problems and tons more energy
Fruit should be eaten alone or with other fruit on an empty stomach.
This is because when fruit is eaten, the digestive process works very quickly and our body uses different enzymes to digest the fruit. The simple sugars contained in fruit need time to be completely absorbed by your body. When fruits are eaten alone, your stomach can more easily process all of the nutrients, fibre and the simple sugars contained in the fruit. This is the optimal ‘proper way’ to benefit from the fruit you eat. If you eat fruit close to a meal, especially right after a larger meal and combine with other foods, it’s held in the stomach too long along with other foods and will rot and ferment in the gut. If you experience indigestion, heartburn, burping and and other digestive discomforts and you blame on the meal – it could be the combination of the food, the fermentation with fruit that causes your upset stomach. If left uncontrolled it could lead to other health problems that stem from the digestive tract.
The best time to eat fruit is either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or as a mid-morning snack (which I prefer) – in between breakfast and lunch. It’s a good idea, to just eat more fruit at one time, whether it’s fruit salad, an apple or a fruit smoothie. (3-4 servings of fruit is a proper daily requirement, that’s 2 1/2 – 2 cups of fruit). If you feel very hungry after your fruit servings, pay attention to what you’ve had for breakfast and maybe your meal planning needs to be adjusted. You should be able to wait it out about 1-2 hours with success. That will ensure all the fruit is processed and gone into your body to do what it’s supposed to do.
Definitely avoid eating fruit close to bedtime as there’s plenty of sugar in fruit to spike up your energy and keep you up when you need your sleep.
If you do eat fruit on an empty stomach, you will gain the proper nutrients that fruit – nature’s perfect gift – will offer to your health .

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Remedies for burning sensations in the rectum

Home remedies for a burning sensation of the rectum include the use of aloe vera, hot and cold packs, buttermilk, radish, cumin seeds, cranberries, coriander seeds, witch hazel, myrrh, white oak, Flowers of Sulfur, Vaseline, mango seeds, bayberry, figs, banana and lemon juice, mint juice, and honey in various forms and combinations.
Apart from this, maintaining good hygiene around the anus and eating the correct diet can also serve as good home remedies for burning in the rectum. The sensation of burning in the rectum is primarily caused by the appearance of hemorrhoids in the anal region.
Home remedies for the burning of the rectum can offer great relief to patients suffering from this irritating condition. The main cause of this problem is hemorrhoids in the anus. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are conditions when veins in the anus swell to form wide masses that touch the walls of the rectum. This problem is also accompanied by a number of other unpleasant conditions like bleeding, irritation, itching, pain, and inflammation. The home remedies used for treating burning sensations in the rectum are effective in treating all of these problems as well.